Latest Past Events

Tisted Fly-in

Tisted near West Meon Hut crossroads, Hants

This is an invitation event to a classic fly-in held at a private airstrip at East Tisted (not far from the A272 / A32 West Meon Hut crossroads, in Hampshire) The fly-in usually attracts a wide variety of classic and interesting aircraft and, unlike most events of this sort, you are able to walk right up to and around the planes – obviously giving due respect to moving propellor blades, etc! The event raises money for local charities and, everyone who arrives either by air or by road, is asked to make a small donation. People are encouraged to bring a picnic to enjoy, whilst watching the aircraft arriving and departing, although tea, coffee, cakes, ice creams, etc, are also available to buy inside the hangar on the day. Paul and I have been to the fly-in for the last two years with the Morgan Sports Car Club, who are one of the car clubs invited to the event. However, this year, the invitation has been extended to us, and whilst any Invicta will be made most welcome, it is also acceptable to come in other interesting vintage or classic cars as well. IMPORTANT - The event is obviously totally […]

Invicta Car Club AGM 2024

Zoom Video Conference

Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Invicta Car Club to be held on Tuesday 9th July at 7.00pm via Internet Zoom. Following the cancellation of our planned AGM and meeting at Bicester Scramble in April, we have now rescheduled our AGM as a Zoom video conference. Details about how to join the conference, as well as the AGM reports, will be provided on request by emailing the Club Secretary, Jo Moss Kitcher – [email protected]   The conference details will also be published on the club website under Upcoming Events, and the material made available through the forum. AGENDA To welcome and record the names of those taking part To receive and record any apologies To approve the Minutes of the last AGM held by internet Zoom on 11th July 2023 To receive the Directors’ Reports, annual accounts and the Treasurer’s Report, for the year ended 31 December 2023 To receive reports from Members of the Management Committee  To elect Members to the Management Committee. This year all positions on The Management Committee are up for election. Directors of the Company (The Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer and Magazine Editor) will be appointed for a two […]


Invicta Car Club Autumn Brunch Meeting

The Departure Lounge Cafe Basingstoke Road, Alton

We are arranging an informal Autumn Brunch Meeting on Sunday 8th October, at 10.30am at The Departure Lounge Café. The café has a lovely retro feel, and offers a great range of breakfasts, and also some really nice snacks and cakes – and Jo can personally recommend the Mint Aero Cheesecake – it is delicious! The Departure Lounge Café is based next to Brant Self Storage (at the far end) and is accessed via Brant’s car park. When approaching, it is best to look out for the signs for the storage facility, because the sign for the café is very small! The parking area is large, but does also offer overflow parking for a car boot sale (which may be on the same day) however, the café owner has offered to rope off space for our cars at one end of the car park, so there should be no issues with parking on the day. If you would like to attend this event (with or without your Invicta, depending on the weather!) please do let Jo know as soon as possible, as we need to give the café some idea of expected numbers. Jo's contact details can be found in […]